
To infinity and beyond...

Just click on the picture on the right to set off for the infinitely great and the one on the left for the infinitely small – please be patient if you have a slow connexion.

To obtain information on the animations, see bellow.
10e-14 10e0

All the animations come from the film “to the power of 10” made by Charles and Ray Eames in 1978 in America for IBM to show the relative movement of objects in the universe and what happens when a nought is added.

This fantastic film has one major fault – it only lasts 9 minutes. On account of the success of the photos, a book was edited with the same title, in France by Belin publishers. I made a slide show with 48 photos from this book and every year this has great success with all pupils from year 8 to 1.

I then scanned the same photos to organise 2 “GIF” animations you can find above.

To see what the original place looks like today, using Google Earth: powers_of_ten.kmz

some other links concerning infinity:
Film site: http://www.powersof10.com/
A very good java animation: http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10/index.html

You want to get this film in Divx format ? You can send me a nice e-mail and we'll see ;-)